The Getting Muddy Blog. Going down a new road.

Our OmTech Laser coming home early February 2023.

Aloha! Sierra here, How goes it? This is really new to me so this will be short and sweet while were still under construction.

This is our little blog space. It will probably be me, Sierra, writing most of these. I will try to keep it updated with the exciting or boring things we’ve got going on around us and all of the general mumbo jumbo that is happening. So yeah! here goes nothing.

So it is a Tuesday, all mid week and everything, and Jared and I are about to launch this bad boy of a website! We’ve got so many projects just waiting to be finalized and finished that its holding all of my suspense!

I am so excited for the launch of my very first earing collection. I’ve wanted to create my own jewelry for many years now. I could not be happier with how these lovely lampworked glass beads shine!

To think its a double whammy of nervousness too. I get the honor of having my artwork featured on live wood Coasters! The Herb Garden Designs. These coasters look beautiful in a raw form. I can not wait to get photos of them all beautiful and completed.

Like i said this is just a short sweet hello. Thank you very much for checking all of this out and seeing what were about!

There is so much more to come so please keep an eye out for the news along the way!

Ta ta for now!


A heaping pile of gratitude