Questions and Customisations

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    Muddy Creations

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Lets work together!

Would you like to have a unique and custom piece of art? We can do that!

Do you find yourself interested in something we did in our gallery? Let us know!

Would you like to have someone’s name added to an amazing and unique gift? We can make those changes!

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Some Questions and Answers

FAQ’s you might say.

How long does my order take to ship?

This is a wonderful question! Since we are in the pacific northwest, your personal shipping times will vary depending on your personal geographic location! The closer you are to us, the less time you will have to wait for the things that you desire!

Keep in mind that while we both put a very large amount of work into each of our products, that we also both hold day jobs to pay the bills. Please be patient with us as we are not as fast as amazon!

Thank you!

Do you offer international shipping? 

International shipping is something that is completely possible! One must only remember that with a greater distance for shipping, it will also bring a greater fee to send it. If you are looking for international shipping and are not finding it anywhere on our site, please reach out and message us so we can see about getting your needs met.

What is your return policy? 

No takesies-backsies! Just joshin ya! If you didn’t get what you wanted, please email us and let us see if we can fix whatever seems to be the mistake.

We love creating with others so please click that button and lets talk about it!